Delta Team Professional Goods Transport

Delta Team Professional Goods Transport

Since March 2024, Delta Team Techniek has also been providing drivers. For this it has received a KIWA Designation Decision for Professional Goods Transport, with number...
Delta Team Portugal

Delta Team Portugal

Our office in Portugal, in addition to its recruitment activities, has this year been fully certified as an employment agency with the name "Delta Team Portugal Trabalho Temporário Unipessoal LDA" Address is: Praça Mouzinho de Albuquerque 113 5o, 4100 359 Porto Portugal General...
Delta Team Certificates

Delta Team Certificates

Several audits have taken place this first six months. We are proud to report that all certificates have again been...


Delta Team invests in its employees. This year, 4 employees have already completed the training for all-round machinist. Our experienced all-round (senior) drivers are in possession of a C/CE + code 95 driving licence. They also have ADR/VLG, SIR High Pressure Machinist...
Expansion of offshore team

Expansion of offshore team

Our Offshore employees are being expanded and further trained. This will give us a larger team with the right safety awareness that can be used multifunctionally. Precisely from these varied projects, the employees become...